Weinberg Enduro Hamma moves into November - Rideday shortens the time until the start of the MAXXIS HardEnduroSeries Germany

At very short time, the planned start of the MAXXIS HardEnduroSeries Germany in Hamma has to be postponed.
The current Corona situation in Germany has been studied to the last minute, but the race in Hamma on the previous date of 29.05.2021 has now had to be cancelled. Nevertheless, the popular track will remain on the calendar of the only Hardenduro Championship in Germany and will be moved back to 20.11.2021.
"Together with MSC Hamma, we have examined all possibilities, and it was also important for us to find an acceptable date despite the difficult situation. For us, this date is now 20.11.2021, but this means that there will be no clashes of dates and we can expect a real Hardenduro on the difficult track." Denis Günther is optimistic about the new date.
Rideday moves into the calendar
In order to shorten the waiting time until the first possible races, there will be a riding day (training) as in 2020. The HESG organisation is confident that the incidences will continue to decrease until June and that training will be possible. The Rideday will take place on 19.06., as last year on the track in Hamma. More information about the Rideday, including registration, will follow in the next few days at www.hardenduro-germany.de.
Information about Maxxis HardEnduroSeries Germany is available at any time at www.hardenduro-germany.de.
Dates 2021
19.06. – Rideday, Mediaday Hamma
27.06. Heaven or Hell Extremenduro Crimmitschau
17.07. Hardenduro im Hexenkessel Reisersberg
04.09. Tenneco Extreme Enduro Neuhaus-Schierschnitz
12.09. Melz Exdrähm Meltewitz
02.10. Reetzer Hardenduro Reetz
20.11. Weinberg Enduro Hamma
TBA - Isegrim Enduro Schwepnitz